Fresh new branding for Bonson in 2020 and beyond

Bonson is delighted to formally announce the launch of their new branding that will see the names customers are familiar with proudly unified under the single ‘Bonson’ umbrella. Starting in June there will be a few obvious changes in the appearance of branded items, including a new website which is now live. The soft rollout will continue to happen over the coming 12 months or so, including Australian operations.
Behind this exciting brand re-fresh has been a strategic look at the story of the business as it has grown and evolved over the past 35 years. A branding agency was engaged to understand the personality of the business from both internal and external vantage points. It was quickly discovered that Bonson’s branding message had become misaligned with the companies ambitions for the future. On the positive side, the research strongly highlighted the loyalty to ‘Bonson’ by its customers, and the unique advantage it delivers to them, regardless of the product or service involved.
Packaging a unique advantage
Ultimately Bonson believes the strong partnerships that have been built between their business and their customers over many years will be better served through a new singular Bonson branding strategy. The range of products formerly positioned under ‘Savpac’ branding remain an essential part of Bonson’s future growth and will retain their well-established product names, but will be grouped together as an Enviro category within the Bonson range. This means that recognized sub-brands like CraftWare™, BioChoice™ and RePlay™ will remain but join their Bonson counter-parts under the newly formed ‘Enviro’ product category. These products will continue to be sign-posted for their unique environmental features and will now carry a collection of new sustainability icons.
Big commitment to sustainability
Sustainability through minimizing our environmental impact remains a key priority for Bonson, be-it with the materials we use; our manufacturing processes or our production facilities.
Bonson recognizes the vital role they play in helping consumers to make informed decisions on their packaging purchases. This includes giving consideration to the full life-cycle of packaging with total transparency.
Importantly, Bonson are committed to never being part of the so-called ‘green wash’ movement. This disturbing, yet increasingly common, practice sees some businesses presenting their products and services as having less environmental impact than they actually do by hiding important facts in their marketing. One way Bonson aim to keep customers informed in this area is with the use of qualified product-specific sustainability icons. In addition to this Bonson are continually searching for smarter ways of doing things – not just through design, innovation and better communication, but also keeping abreast of new materials and technologies that will help make our world a better place.
Making a real difference to our customers’ success
Bonson CEO, David Tsui, sums up the excitement felt across the business about embarking into a new chapter of the Bonson story with this comment about the new branding; “We love our new brand tagline ‘Packaging a unique advantage’ because in just a few words it captures our business intent of delivering solutions to our customers that allow them to gain advantages in their businesses.” This spirit of partnership with customers is also nicely tied into the symbol within the new logo which visually communicates the coming together to create teamwork and collaboration.
Bonson now feels truly poised to take on new packaging challenges as it advances into the future.